Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lord Of The Rings......Movie Snark!

God. I just finished watching all of the LotR movies. I think my brain is glazed over from too much CGI and Hobbit on Hobbit loving. I started watching them last week, and it took me until today to finish them. I fucking don't remember what happened in which movie, because they sort of all blend together, so here are some points about it. There is the usual warning about spoilers and such.

-I appreciate Peter Jackson's attention to detail, unless

-He's fucking adding shit that was not in the book. Aragorn was not conflicted about his loves. He always loved Arwen and pretty much rejected Eowyn's advances. That just really bugged the crap out of me, because, in the book, Aragorn was not a flighty pouty teenager. He was true to Arwen. This ain't no Twilight bullshit, Jackson!

-Gandalf was less annoying in the movies. I thought he was a pain in the ass in the books.

-The Ents were also less annoying and rather cool.

-I don't agree with the way Saruman died in these movies. That's some crap. Then again, if Jackson had followed the books, the endings would have been longer.

-Hobbits were still.....poncy as fuck in the movies. Wait, that's not the right word. I guess zesty will have to do again.

In a strange twist, I just looked up "poncy" in Urban Dictionary, and this was the second definition: "Usually describing Elves from the movie and book series "Lord of the Rings." Poncy is most oftenly applied to Legolas because of his impeccable hair and skin. Poncy describes a ponce, who is essentially one who is overtly concerning with outward appearance." LOL.

-That said, I wouldn't call Legolas "poncy". That mofo could fight when he wanted to (and apparently Orlando Bloom did all of his own stunts, the cheeky bastard), and didn't seem to give a rip about his appearance. He was just man pretty.

-Gimli rocked. That is all.

-Aragorn was hot as hell. They should have just focused on Viggo Mortensen for 12 hours.

-The undead army, the oliphaunts, and Minas Tirith were a badass use of CGI, but

-CGI was really used a lot in this movie. I guess that can't really be an argument, since it is all fantasy, and I doubt Jackson was going to run across any troll armies anytime soon.

-I still say Sauron was a useless villain. The Nazgul and the Witch-King would have been just fine to inspire terror. Speaking of

-Shelob. Stuff of nightmares. I'm sleeping with a can of Raid and a shoe tonight.

-Good Christ, Jackson drew out some crap to take forever. No wonder the extended version of the last flick is four hours.

-Holy crap, I was laughing my ass off when I realized Karl Urban was in these flicks. If you don't know who that is, he plays Dr. McCoy in the reboot of the Star Trek franchise. I may or may not have inappropriately yelled, "Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor not a (fill in the blank)!" at different times in these movies.

-Hugo Weaving was an elf. I wish he would have busted out some wigs from "Priscilla".

-Denethor did not take a flying fiery leap off the top of Minas Tirith. That was some hot buttery bullshit.

-Gollum reminded me of my stalker, and was therefore creepy as hell.

-The endings never ended. Just like in the books!

All in all, I'll give these movies three and a half out of five stars. They were pretty faithful to the books, even if I did hate the bloody things. It might be easier to get through them if you can play the Lord of the Rings Drinking Game, or maybe drop some acid beforehand or something.


  1. Patience, my love...we'll gets the preciousssss....

  2. Now see, I loved the book and read them for the first time when I was ten. I then went on to read The Simarillion. That took forever to get through and frankly, I should have received a medal for reading it when I was only 17.

    I saw each of the LotR films when they came out in the cinema and had read each of the books, again beforehand. Big mistake. HUGE mistake. I was too nitpicky. But then I did the same thing with Harry Potter, Twilight and now Hunger Games. Overall, they aren't bad adaptations, but like you, I think Jackson drew out the wrong things and shortened others that could have used a little more in depth on-screen story telling!

    And yeah, Shelob? Effing thing needs to die a million deaths before I'd be happy.
