Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Body Rebellion, Part Deux

It's probably not the right title for this post, since my body hasn't changed in the past few days. However, I did see the doctor today. While the visit didn't exactly solve all my problems, it did give me a handle on what might be going on.

So in regards to my leg, my doc is not too worried YET. She said that since the issue went away on its own, it could be sciatica (which is what I thought, having dealt with it before). This is the best case scenario. Worst case is a bulging or herniated disc in my back that would be causing the problems in my leg, so if it does it again, I'll be on my way in for an MRI.

In regards to my neck issues, she said that it is great (IT DOESN'T FEEL GREAT) that it's going up my neck into my head rather than down, because that would mean more back problems, and possibly nerve damage. However, this just means that I'm too fucking tense and uptight all the damned time. Well, she didn't say that in those words, but it was implied. So lots of stretching to release the tension, trying to calm down, etc. It may also be related to my teeth grinding (I also said this...I should be a goddamned doctor), so a visit to the dentist is in order. Ugh.

Everything else is relatively fine. My doc is happy with my blood pressure and thrilled that the CPAP is working out so well for me. I do have to go back tomorrow for bloodwork, which was asked for by my cardiologist's office and should have been done weeks ago, but I'm a slacker. She also wants to check my organs for fuckery, since I'm a long term (albeit in small doses) NSAID user, and that shit can kill vital organs.

I also got a flu shot, because fuck the flu. I had that once, and I never ever ever want it again. The boy also got one, because I am one of those asshole parents that likes giving their kid vaccines. Make measles afraid again!

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