Sunday, October 27, 2013

200 Posts


Actually, that's not that impressive, considering I've been on Blogger since 2009.  Ah well, I don't feel like bitching every day.

Since I'm still exhausted from last night (goddamned old!), and I'm busy getting shit done, I have decided that a survey is in order.  I know everyone LOVES those. /sarcasm

1. Put your music player of choice on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.

This is from my sappy playlist.  Shut up.
  • "Darling" -Brenton Wood
  • "Very Special -Big Daddy Kane & Spinderella
  • "For Your Precious Love" -Jerry Butler
  • "I Fooled You This Time" -Gene Chandler
  • "A Question of Lust" -Depeche Mode
  • "Thin Line Between Love and Hate" -The Persuaders
  • "Only You" -Yazoo
  • "Just Because" -Lloyd Price
  • "Special" -Garbage
  • "Someday, Someway" -Marshall Crenshaw
2. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?  Would you take anyone with you?

England, no question.  I have always been fascinated with that place, so that would be ideal.  And fuck no, I wouldn't take anyone with me.

3. Do you have connections to any celebrities (even minor)? List them.

I met Ronny Cox when I was working and had no fucking idea it was him until my coworker told me.  Derp.  Other than that, my family has had all the encounters.  My grandpa was in the Army with Elvis, my dad and my neighbors knew Ritchie Valens' family.

4. Do you ever play board games or other non-computer games? Got any favourites?

Fuck yeah, Clue!  Love me some Monopoly and Risk as well.  Uno is fun, if you're playing with competitive people who are ruthless.

5. A musical artist you love that isn't well known.


6. A musical artist you love that is well known.

David Bowie.  Rawr.

7. What is your desktop background currently?

The poster for "The Day of the Doctor".

8. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them.

My husband, and face to face, because he's standing right fucking here.

9. What timekeeping devices are in the room you are currently in?

The microwave and stove.  As for an actual clock, that would be my Black Forest cuckoo clock that I received for Mother's Day a few years ago.

10. What kind of headphones do you use?

Some cheap assed ear buds I picked up in the dollar bin at Target.

11. What musical artists have you seen perform live?

A whole bunch of old R&B acts, War, Malo, and Paul McCartney.

12. Does virginity matter to you?

At my age, no.

13. Inspiration behind your URL?

Nerdprincess is my nickname, but someone had taken that already, so I went with "Original Nerdprincess".

14. Inspiration behind your blog title?

It's all about me.  ME ME ME ME ME.

15. Favourite item of clothing?

Anything comfortable.

And my lingerie.

16. Are you friends with any exes?

Most of them.  Except the psychos.

17. Name at least one book you loved as a child.

"Anne of Green Gables"

18. Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in?

The cuckoo clock, my husband's degrees, and a Chinese calendar.  Woooo, exciting!

19. Earliest moment in your life you can remember?

Probably falling off of my rocking chair (after I upended it and started climbing on it) and injuring myself, because I'm awesome like that.  I might have been about 3 or 4.

20. What did you have for dinner yesterday?

An overpriced cheeseburger and waffle fries at Six Flags.  Whatevah, I didn't pay for it.

21. How often do you brush your teeth?

Twice a day, maybe more if my mouth has been doing dirty things.

22. What’s your favourite candy/chocolate?

Whatever is delicious and wrong for me.

23. If you were suddenly really hungry, what would you choose to eat?


24. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of?

Doctor Who, I think.  I want to say that it has been a lifelong thing, but it hasn't.  But I'm also not just a screaming fangirl for Ten and Eleven (although I'd do horrible sexy things to them and Nine).  I like learning about the whole back story and past Doctors.

25. If you could study anything, what would it be?

More Art History.  Japanese again.  All things that I couldn't make a career out of, of course.

26. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick)

This lip balm stuff that looks like you're sucking on a dick when you put it on.

27. How would you describe your sense of humour?

Incredibly vulgar.

28. What things annoy you more than anything else?

Being used and the fact that I let people use me.  I should probably stop that.

29. What kind of position are you in at the moment?

A sexy one.  HA!

30. Do you wear much jewellery?

Usually just earrings and my wedding ring.

31. What do you carry your money in?

A beat up Happy Bunny wallet that I've had for like ten years.  Why change a good thing?

32. Do you enjoy driving? Why or why not?

FUCK NO.  People act stupid on the road.  Also, I hate our manual transmission.

33. Longest drive you have ever been on?

California to Chicago.

34. Furthest away from home you have ever been?

Probably New York City.

35. How many times have you moved house?

From what I can remember, five times.

36. Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy?


37. Is there anything that always makes you sad?

Certain thoughts and memories.  No, I'm not getting into them right now.  This ain't the psychology blog.

38. Do you believe nude photos can be artistic, rather than erotic?

Um, duh.

39. Last formal event you attended.

I don't do formal.  Seriously.  I've never attended a formal event.

40. Roughly how many people live in your town?

Oh, about six million or so, give or take a few suburbs.

41. Is there anything you should be doing right now?

Yes.  Putting laundry away, but I'm fucking typing this out.

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