Thursday, July 11, 2013

So Many Things To Write About, So Much Writer's Block

I guess it is also so much laziness as well, but here goes nothing.

I guess the first thing to say is that my Lap Band is back in place and seemingly working.  I actually had a fill done last week that took with no problems and no signs of it being disconnected again.  So that is a win.  I also lost fifteen pounds since it was fixed.  Another win.

My job is going well, I guess.  I like most of the people I work with, although I do feel out of touch with them when I think about it.  First off, they're younger than I am.  Not a big deal, but sometimes I feel like....I don't know.  They have so much more going for them than I did at their age.  A lot of them are finishing up or in the process of finishing school.  They're planning trips and living a life that I never experienced.  It's not envy that I have, just a sort of sadness that I never utilized what smarts I had to do the brilliant things they're doing with their lives.

There is also a fair amount of cliquishness, but I think that is par for the course at any job.  I don't give a shit, as long as it doesn't start negatively affecting my job or the way I do it.

As for the job  I enjoy working with the public, but everyone is going to have a day where a customer/guest just fucks you up and throws you off.  I have had the normal amount of entitled shitheads run through there, wanting everything under the sun, even when we're sold out of certain exhibits.  I've even had people cause me to become teary-eyed by their foolishness.  It's part of life, I guess, and I can only feel sorry for these people who think they deserve everything just for walking the earth.

My husband has a job!  Or he will, starting in August.  I think.  He's supposed to be getting an offer letter soon, but is supposedly guaranteed this job.  I won't rest easy until the letter comes and is signed.  I'm wary like that.

The last thing I'm going to address is something that is making my heart ache.  A couple of weeks ago, my in-laws offered to take our son to Legoland and Disneyland.  He will also get to hang with my parents and stay in California for about three weeks.  It's a generous offer, right?  The issue that I'm having (and that is slowly killing me inside) is the fact that to get to California, my son will be flying as an unaccompanied minor.

Oh god, my anxiety is through the roof right now, especially with the whole Asiana Airlines crash that happened.

It's not a problem coming back, because he'll be flying home with my sister and her boyfriend (who are coming to visit, yay!).  It's the fact that I have to let my little boy, an eight year old, go by himself on an airplane without us.  I don't like the thought of it, even though I know that he'll (supposedly) be cared for by the airline.  So many horrifying scenarios have been running through my head since it became a done deal.  I'm going to be a wreck by the time we take him to the airport.

I know that a lot of people are thinking I should be thrilled at the prospect of being kid-free for three weeks, but I'm not.  No matter how much we argue and fight and act stupid over the little things in life, I love my son with all of my heart and soul, and I am not looking forward to him going away for that period of time.  He's pretty much my reason for even getting up in the morning, so yeah.  Just a lot of preemptive missing him and worrying.

I'm also really sad that I won't be able to go back with him.  The more we talk about things that he's going to see and do, the more I miss the West Coast.  Even though I've been gone for seven years(!), California will always be my home.  We were just watching different things, like clips from the Aquarium and scenic views and I was telling him all of the things that he MUST DO, and I could just feel the homesickness wash over me.  I hope that now that he's older, he'll realize why I love and miss California so much.

This concludes my rambling for the night.  Maybe now that I've got some back up of words out of my system, I'll be able to churn out some more blog posts down the line.  Maybe.

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