Wednesday, October 25, 2017


I can say that I really wouldn't mind having a mulligan on today. Heater died, kid concussed, dinner had a spoiled component that ruined a huge vat of curry. Oh, and Facebook got me for a post about how Nazis are terrible people. Yeah.

Anywho, things somewhat resolved themselves, but we're looking at about $150 in repairs for the heater, which I'm not going to be mad about. It could have been so much worse. It could also still get worse, but I'm trying to be hopeful.

The kid is okay, just a little headachy still.

The curry got tossed, and I ordered dinner from a new spot, which we will probably patronize the fuck out of now. Delicious tortas, and they had elotes, so the kid was overjoyed.

And Facebook can continue to eat a dick. I reposted a screenshot of the offending post, and now we're all mocking it.

With that, I'm out.

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