Sunday, October 1, 2017

Blogtober....the Return

I didn't participate in National Blog Writing Month last year because the whole fucking year was shit and I was mourning my dog. Much to the horror of Western Civilization, I have returned for this year.

I've been writing in a legit journal since the beginning of this year. There are some things in my life that even my oversharing ass didn't want to put out there, so I took the plunge and began writing old school again. There is a lot to be said for keeping a private journal, namely how fucking batshit insane you can sound in it and not have to worry about someone trying to commit you. Highly recommended. However, I guess that doesn't matter here, because public.

So. Here I am again, in all my nutty glory, giving you 31 days of low quality posts filled with shit you didn't want to know about me, gifs you wish I hadn't posted, and things I probably shouldn't say out loud. I warned you.

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