Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Since my internet connection is still mildly screwy (I'm guessing that happens at night because we're all playing online), I'm going to just do a short post about my boring assed day. I promise tomorrow will be the California post, and I'll finish up the anxiety saga the next day. I'll write them when everyone is out of the fucking house and off the damned connection.

Since I'm a complete fucking idiot, I almost missed my appointment with the ENT doctor. If you don't know what that is (seriously Google, bruh), it's a doctor that specializes in the ear, nose, and throat region. Since I had a fuck load of ear infections over two months, my regular doctor shuttled me off to this dude to see what could be done.

Not much, apparently.

He said my ear looked fine, but the recently infected ear had a bunch of debris and dead skin in it. Fucking ew. He cleaned the hell out of it with something that felt akin to a pressure wash, but on a smaller scale. Holy hell, the nausea and vertigo afterwards were spectacular. Spectacularly shitty. I have to go back on the 20th for a hearing test and to meet up with the doctor to go over the results of that.

I was done quite early, and rather than shuttle my ass back down to my neighborhood, I took the bus north to the downtown area. I figured busing around would be good for my anxiety about traveling. I did pretty well today, which is fantastic. Anyway....

Not much was going on downtown, but I managed to hit the Shake Shack for lunch (if you've never been, I'm so sorry). I popped into the newer one that is located in the Chicago Athletic Association Hotel. Which, as I've just learned, has quite a long history. It is a beautiful building, and I'm guessing the prices to stay there are probably astronomical. Whatever. I just wanted Shake Shack. Pumpkin pie concrete custard, mothafucka!

I finished lunch and decided downtown was fucking boring (this is what happens when you live in a touristy city), so I started heading for the bus. This is always an exercise in trying to stay alive, because people drive like SHIT in this city. I don't know if it's the narrow streets or the millions of cabs or the tons of construction or what, but people act like they got their fucking license out of a Cracker Jack box. I may or may not have brandished my full water bottle as a weapon. Not much damage can be done with that to a car, sure, but I bet it would hurt if I hit someone in the face with it. Moving on.....

I made it home and just collapsed. I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling extra tired lately. I'm guessing the coming of winter is starting to reel in the Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is always fun when you have hellish Chicago winters for like five months. And my ass wants to move to Sweden. Yeah right.

So there it is. Most of my day. I left out the boring parts where I did dishes and cooked dinner.

I live such an exciting life. You know you want this.

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