I love these stupid things, especially when I feel like I'm getting the nasty death plague that is going around. Thanks to my little bro George for posting this on Facebook earlier. :)
1. Do you make your bed everyday? I don't make it any day. What the fuck is the point? It's also bad to make up your bed because it traps bacteria and crap between the sheets and blankets. Or at least that's what I tell myself so I can be lazy.
2. What's your favorite number? 69, dude!
3. What is your dream job? To be a curator for the Art Institute. Alas, I never finished school and don't have the money or the time to finish a degree.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? Fuck yes. Knowledge is a beautiful thing, and I think that it is seriously lacking in this country.
5. Can you parallel park? If I absolutely have to and there are no other cars parked within like fifty feet of my attempt.
6. A job you had which people would be shocked to know you have had: Uhhh...working with kids. Little fuckers.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Probably, and they're smart enough to stay the fuck away from this planet.
8. Can you drive a stick shift? Yes, I can grab that shaft and move it properly.
9. Guilty pleasure? Bad porn and the musical stylings of Ed Sheeran. Not at the same time.
10. Tattoos? None. Yet.
11. Favorite colour? Sea Green
12. Things people do that drive you insane? Exist.
13. Phobia: Heights and water and death and life and social interaction and
14. Favourite childhood game: Candy Land!
15. Do you talk to yourself? Don't be silly. I only talk to my cat.
16. Do you like doing puzzles? Depends on what kind of puzzle it is. Brain teasers, no. Jigsaw puzzles, yes.
17. Favorite Music? Pretty much everything, except Justin Bieber and Christian affiliated.
18. Tea or Coffee? Covfefe.
19. First thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? An astronaut, and then the space shuttle Challenger exploded, and I was content with being a teacher or some shit.
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